One of the first Hantek oscilloscopes, it is supported by a variety of third parities’ apps. In HScope it doesn’t perform well as the other oscilloscopes so it is not suggested for a new purchase. All the details about HScope support are in this page.
Supported Oscilloscopes
- Hantek DSO2090
- Hantek DSO2250
Specifications *
- Channels: 2
- Effective ADC bits (without error): 8
- Min sampling rate: 50KSa/s
- Max sampling rate (2 channels): 125MSa/s
- Input range: 40mV – 20V
- Number of samples each scan: 5160
- Waveform update rate (2 channels, rate >= 125KSa/s): NA
- Roll Mode: NA
- AC/DC: hardware
- Power Consumption: 0.52 A (it may require external power)
*Provided by HScope
Modules Support
- Automotive Module: NOT SUPPORTED
- Audio Module: NOT SUPPORTED
- Hardware AC/DC coupling
- Hardware Trigger
- Wide input range (up to 20Vp)
- Do not support real-time continuous acquisition
- Due to Android limitations in USB transfer speed you may experience data broken at higher sampling rates.
- It is suggested to do the Calibration procedure with the original software before use. It take about 10min. each channel.
- Hantek Vendor Website
- Openhantek Software for Hantek and compatible USB digital signal oscilloscopes