HS10X Oscilloscopes serie are entry level DIY oscilloscopes designed with components easy to source in the market and with the best ratio performance/cost/ease to build.
Power consumption is also one of the lowest in the market (< 0.1A). They can be used only with HScope app for Android.
HScope is in continuous development thanks to the contributions of the supporters, and aim to become one of the best affordable high-tech diagnostic tool.
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HS101 Oscilloscope

First of the series, it is a 1 Channel oscilloscope with input range 0-20V, useful for battery testing, voltage logging and oscilloscope applications within this voltage range.
Typical applications
- Battery level logging
- Battery Ignition Off Draw (IOD) data logging (with C650-like amp clamp or a DIY tool)
- Alternator AC ripple level (example here)
- Relative Compression Test (with C650-like amp clamp, example here)
- In-Cylinder Compression Test (with 100 PSIG pressure sensor, example here)
- Fuel Pump Test (with C650-like amp clamp, example here)
Technical Specifications
Channels | 1 |
Input Range | 0-20V |
Sampling Rate | 3 KSa/s – 900 KSa/s |
ADC Resolution | 12 Bits (effective without noise: 8 bit, 10bit @ 100KSa/s, 11bit @ 75KSa/s, 12bit @ 12KSa/s) |
Input Noise | < 60mV (<= 15mV for Sampling Rate <= 100KSa/s) <=20mV with the Black Pill (<=10mV for Sampling Rate <= 100KSa/s) |
Bandwidth | 200 KHz |
Input Impedance | 10 Kohm |
Modules Supported | Automotive Module @ 100 KSa/s |
HS102 Oscilloscope

Following a similar build of the HS101, this oscilloscope is made for signal analysis applications, including DC measurements, data logging from sensors (pay attention to input impedance), automotive checkup, audio and low frequency signals analysis. With 2 channel is possible to have also comparison between 2 signals through the XY Plot function.
Technical Specifications
Channels | 2 |
Input Range | ±5V |
Sampling Rate | 3 KSa/s – 2.5 MSa/s (2.5MSa/s not accurate) |
ADC Resolution | 12 Bits (effective without noise: 8 bit, 9bit @ 900KS/s, 10bit @ 175KSa/s, 11bit @ 100KSa/s, 12bit @ 12KSa/s) |
Bandwidth | 600 KHz (max visible frequency with sinc interpolation @ 2.5MSa/s) |
Input Impedance | 10 Kohm |
Modules Supported | Automotive Module @ 75 KSa/s | Audio Module |
HS101 PRO Oscilloscope
HS101-PRO is an upgraded version of the HS101 Oscilloscope that join the portability of an Android oscilloscope with advanced hardware features. The build require some experience with SMT mounting so approachable just from part of the DIY community. All standard oscilloscope applications are possible with this device, within its hardware specs.
Technical Specifications
Channels | 1 |
Input Range | ±1.5V to ±15V in 4 steps |
Sampling Rate | 2 KSa/s – 2,5 MSa/s |
ADC Resolution | up to 12 Bits (effective without noise: 9 bit, 10bit @ 225KSa/s, 11bit @ 150KSa/s, 12bit @ 25KSa/s) |
Input Coupling | AC/DC (hardware) |
Bandwidth | 600 KHz (max visible frequency with sinc interpolation @ 2.5MSa/s) |
Input Impedance | 1 Mohm |
Modules Supported | Automotive Module @ 100 KSa/s | Audio Module |
HS10X Modifications
You can design your own oscilloscope hardware with several options, using the same HS10X Firmware (which is configurable). After you build your custom hardware you can just set some option in the Firmware (by using HScope) and have your custom oscilloscope working.
Configurations currently available:
– Number of input channels: 1 or 2 channels
– Option for Hardware AC/DC selection
– Input voltage range among these
0-20V (single range)
±5V (single range)
±15V (single range)
±5V and ±15V (dual selection within app)
– Use Bluetooth communication instead of USB

Built By The Users
Take a look to the HS10X Oscilloscopes build by the users!