Analog AC Current Sensor (20A)
Read directly the AC Current on your Oscilloscope with this simple sensor.
When you want to measure the AC current, are you still having trouble cutting the wires, wiring or soldering. The SCT013 AC Current Sensor comes to the rescue, eliminating the need to cut wires or reconnect circuits. Simply clamp the AC transformer probe on the AC line, and then connect the headphone jack with your oscilloscope probe to read the current AC current value. The analog output 0-1V so you need an oscilloscope with around 1V of full range. It can be conveniently used for AC current measurement to monitor AC motors, lighting equipment, air compressors, etc.
Connection Diagram

Probe Configurations (HScope)
- Offset: 0
- Multiplier: 20
- Unit: A
Sample output from HScope

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