HS-ACC WiFi Accellerometer (Single)
HS-ACC is a DIY instrument to measure vibrations. The Single version is equiped with a single 3-Axis sensor.
This built demonstration and 3D printed box is made by Denis.
Intro Video
Building Instructions
Required Components
- x1 ESP32-WROOM Development Board (with chip ESP32-WROOM-32 version 1 or up, or ESP32-WROOM-32D or ESP32-WROOM-32E)
- x1 ADXL345 Module
- x1 3.7V Lithium Battery (1000mAh)
- 1x Single Side Prototype Board Perforated 2.54mm
- 1x Switch, 2.54mm Female Headers, x2 magnets, wires,…
- STL Files for the 3D Printed box are available here.
Connections Schema
This view is from the TOP. Connections are to be made on the bottom part. Check the video to understand how to stack the components.

Firmware Flashing
ESP32 board must be flashed with HS-ACC Firmware.
- Download the firmware available Here;
- Flash the firmware using the flashing procedure Here.
- After flashing, restart the ESP32 and you should see the AP that it creates. Refer to the Quick Guide.
Other Information
With the 1000mAh battery this built is capable of about 5 hours of continous use.