
Transform your compact Oscilloscope into a powerful instrument at your hands

Why use it


Get the best performance from your oscilloscope


Analysis on the fly everywhere, no need of PC or laptop

Easy to use

Simple interface, touch screen interaction. A new experience


High frame rateReal-time oscilloscope, up to 1000 scans per second and 25 FPS according oscilloscope performance
Software trigger and AC/DCimproved software trigger with wave stabilizer. AC/DC emulator (for oscilloscopes without this hardware support).
Full statisticsPeak-Peak, Max, Min, RMS and DC value. Frequency and duty cycle. Cursors for manual calculations
FFTReal-time processing with several windows. Peak detect and Peak-hold functions.
Long time loggerUp to 24H logging, record and export to .csv
Sinc Interpolatoravailable sinc interpolator with infinite sampling rate for the best signal view. Maximum visible frequency = Sampling rate / 4
Phosphor decay effectplot multiple signal traces on the screen
XY Plotcalculate and visualize difference among 2 signals, amplitude, frequency, phase and delay
Math functionsapply operations on single or both channels
DSP Filtersapply Filters on each channels (low pass, high pass)
Custom probesavailable configuration for several standard probes and possibility to create new ones with several units available
Data exportdata available in .csv format, Matlab, and other standard formats
OSAndroid (list of tested devices), Windows Emulators (reported by users): PrimeOS, android-x86
Minimum RequirementsAndroid 7+, Google Play, USB OTG, 2GB RAM or more. Chromebook NOT SUPPORTED
Standard RequirementsAndroid 9+, 4GB RAM (min. for Automotive Module)
Other HardwareHScope on Raspberry Pi

Additional Modules

The following modules requires an additional license on the top of the Oscilloscope License.


Automotive Module allow real-time data sampling with long time recording.

Audio Module

Audio Module allow real-time streaming of the input signal to the phone speaker and RMS calculation for amplifiers.

Digital Module

Digital Module allow to transform analog signals to digital and analyze them.

What's New

The Latest Releases

2024/2025 UpdateChange Log

Supported Brands

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