Differently from other oscilloscopes, in HScope you can set the voltage input range for each channel. The concept of Volts/division is just reported as information but it is not really practical since the signal can be zoomed and shifted on the screen and measured with absolute scales and relative cursors.
Selecting DC
the signal goes to screen AS-IS (with AC and DC components), selecting AC
the signal pass into a filter (that can be hardware or software according the device) so that on screen and in computation is considered just the AC component.
This value is oscilloscope depending and change according the actual calibration. To benefit of the highest vertical resolution it is suggested to use the lowest range which include the measured signal.
Selecting the button AUTO
the software automatically set the input voltage selector according to the signal. It is intended to be use only for time invariant signals (like a sine wave) otherwise the input range will be changed very time the input signal change. This function is limited just to high voltage ranges. Lower voltage selection should still come manually.
This setting won't affect the hardware settings but it will affect the final readings since the data will be computed according the probe settings.
IMPORTANT: Probe setting MUST reflect the probe hardware to avoid damage to the device or wrong readings. (ie: you can set x10 in HScope only if the hardware probe has x10 switch selected)
In case you need to measure stronger signals the Probe should have a switch that allow to attenuate the input signal. If you change the switch of your probe to the position x10, the input signal will be attenuated by a factor 10. This means that using the Oscilloscope range ±5V with a probe x10 you can see signals up to ±50V (50V / 10 = 5V). In visualization the App already calculate this scaling factor, so if you use a probe x10 just select in the Channel configurations the factor x10 and play with the voltage ranges (it will show you the possible range you can select).
On the market are available different kind of probes (also associated to different units like Ampere,...). You can add or download new probes in the Settings → Probes panel.
If the signal maximum value is higher than the selected Voltage Range and the Auto Voltage is not enabled, then the App detect this and write the message "Overscale!" on the top of the screen.
Sometime you may want to see the amplitude of a signals much lower than the maximum value, so you may want to use a shorter scale and let the maximum to go overscale. For this disable the AUTO voltage and select the voltage range manually.
The Hantek has a resolution of 8-bit (256 possible values in the voltage range). Having the voltage range and the maximum possible values in this range (256), it is possible to calculate the maximum error in the measure (Quantization Error).
If we use a X1 Probe with a range +/-5V the minimum value of voltage we can detect with 1 bit is (10V / 256) = 39mV (Quantization Error = 39mV / 2 = ±18mV). This means for example that it could be possible not to see differences between a signal that is 100mV and another one which is 118mV.
So for reduce the reading errors it is better to use the scale mostly near to the maximum of the signal.
For example for a 2Vpp signal use the scale ±2.5V
The Quantization Error is calculated according the used range and is showed in the statistics.