HScope supports the following models (limited to the only Oscilloscope part, signal generator or digital input not supported):
- Instrustar ISDS205A
- Instrustar ISDS205B
- Instrustar ISDS205X
Instrustar ISDS205C has not been tested.
Specifications *
- Effective ADC bits (without error): 8 bits
- Min sampling rate: 500 Sa/s
- Max sampling rate (2 channels): 48 MSa/s
- Input range: ±90mV to ±6V (in 6 steps)
- Number of samples each scan: 1024 Sa
- Waveform update rate (2 channels, rate >= 100KSa/s): 30 wfms/sec
- Roll Mode: supported (4096 samples)
- AC/DC Coupling: Hardware
*Provided by HScope
Modules Support
- Automotive Module: supported up to 125KSa/s real-time
- Audio Module: supported
- PWM Generator: supported up to 10KHz, duty cycle 5-95%
Rate vs Memory Buffer
Standard Rates
- 250,500 Sa/s (8 kSa)
- 1,2,8,16,25,50,100 kSa/s (8 kSa)
- 200,500 kSa/s (1 kSa)
- 1,2,4,8,16,24,48 MSa/s (1 kSa)
High Resolution Experimental Mode
- 500 Sa/s (8 kSa)
- 1,2,5,10,25,50,125 kSa/s (8 kSa)
- 250 kSa/s (4 kSa)
- 500 kSa/s (8 kSa)
- 1 MSa/s (8 kSa)
- 2,4,8,16,24,48 MSa/s (1 kSa)
Except the ISDS205X all the other models use the license Instrustar ISDS205. For the ISDS205X model the license is called Instrustar ISDS205X.
After the oscilloscope is connected to the phone, enter in the Settings -> General. Here in the Hardware section you can select your oscilloscope model (select 205A also for the 205B model). After setting the model disconnect and reconnect the device. In the setting you should find the last model selected.