HS-ACC Building Instructions

Required parts

  • x1 ESP32-WROOM Development Board (with chip ESP32-WROOM-32 version 1 or up, or ESP32-WROOM-32D or ESP32-WROOM-32E)
  • x1 (or x2) ADXL345 Module
  • x1 RGB LED Module (optional)

Connections Schematic


Sensor 1 (ADXL345) PinESP32 Pin
CSD27 (IO27 or GPIO27)
SDA D13 (IO13 or GPIO13)
SCL D14 (IO14 or GPIO14)
Sensor 2 (ADXL345) PinESP32 Pin
CSD26 (IO26 or GPIO26)
SDA D13 (IO13 or GPIO13)
SCL D14 (IO14 or GPIO14)

Long Wiring Setup

In case you need to use long wires for the sensors, it is suggested to use Ethernet cables for the connections. In addition you can use also a RJ45 Breakout Board as the following:

PCB Built

You can also build this device with the PCB you will find here which include:

  • PCB & Schematic for Main board for 1 or 2 sensors
  • PCB & Schematic for Sensor module
  • Components List
